Monday, November 11, 2013

DIY Sharpie Mug

I know you've all seen them....the Sharpie Mug pins on Pinterest. There are so many variations and some of them are beautiful!
I wanted to try it out so I started doing a little research. I found out that you shouldn't use just any old Sharpie. It has to be an oil based paint marker. So, off to Hobby Lobby I went. They have tons of them, any color you could ever want!  I decided to just grab never know how these things will turn out and I didn't want to have an entire package of markers left if it was a Pinterest fail!
After buying markers, I needed a mug.  I kept reading that most people get theirs at the dollar store. So, that's where I went. I was pleasantly surprised to find quite a few options! With my marker color choices in mind, I went with a fat, white mug. I also picked up a pack of scrap booking stickers!
Everything you will need:
~ mug
~ oil based Sharpie paint markers
~ stickers
1. As soon as I got home, I washed my mug and dried it completely.
2. I put my stickers on and began to color with the markers. (Hint: the markers are a little tricky! Make sure you open it, push down the tip, recap and then shake well!)
3. Once I had it just right, I let it dry for about 10 minutes and peeled off the stickers. It didn't look the way I had hoped so I colored some more until I loved it!
4. I put it in the COLD oven and then turned it on. 350 degrees for 30 mins. Please don't put it into a preheated oven. It's very important that the mug heats up AND cools off with the oven!
Once it was completely cool, I took it out. I've washed it by hand and in the dishwasher. No change yet!
I tested it in the dishwasher and the microwave and nothing has destroyed it yet! Yay!
I LOVE it! I've made another trip for more markers and mugs! The possibilities are endless! I can't wait until the holidays so I can give these to family and friends!


  1. I found your blog through Pinterest and absolutely love it! I'm your newest follower!This mug idea is wonderful for gifts. Do you know if it will work on anything else? Plates maybe?

  2. Hi, Sandra! Yes, the mugs make great gifts! I haven't tried it on plates, but I am sure it will work fine! Just make sure it is a cheap plate because the glaze melts better on the cheap stuff :-)

  3. is it 30 minutes from the beginning or once it hits the 350 temp.

    1. Hi, Autumn! Yes, it's 30 mins once your oven reaches 350. If you use a cup that is a little more expensive, or you just want to REALLY make sure it won't come off, you can up the oven to 375. Let me know how it turns out! Have fun!!

  4. Do you let it cool down with the oven as well?

    1. Yes, ma'am! Just leave it in there as the oven heats up and don't take it out until it has completely cooled off. Good luck! Happy crafting!

  5. I've tried a mug with paint pens prior to reading this tutorial, and I was instructed to put it in a preheated oven at 400 for 40 minutes... it looked awesome, but after letting it cool, I went to move it to a new location, and just touching it made the paint markers rub off. :( Do you think it was b/c it was started in a preheated oven? I'd hate to try this again and fail, wasting the mug. Any thoughts or tips? Or should I just not worry about what I did wrong before and just see if following your tutorial works for me this time?

    1. Hi, Mark! The problem with putting it in a preheated oven is that the glaze on the mug won't have a chance to gradually heat up and that's what makes the marker and glaze "melt" together. Try again, don't give up! I have also left it in the oven longer (about 45 mins) to really make sure nothing will rub off. Please let me know how it works for you! Good luck :-)

  6. Hi, I'm not sure what you're supposed to do with the stickers. Do you use them as a stencil, mark around them & pull them off. Or do you mark on top of the stickers that you put on the mug. That part of the directions isn't clear. Thank you!

  7. It's really up to you! You can use them as a stencil, put them on and draw over them....however you choose to use them, make sure you let the paint markers dry completely and take them off before baking. I used a toothpick to get the edges up. Hope this helps.

  8. Have you used regular sharpie markers?

    1. I have not. I have read online that they change colors in the oven and scrape off. Have you tried them?

  9. I have used the sharpies certain ones change colors as it heats up. Best thing to do is to test the colors you want on a extra mug/plate. I had blues an greens fade and darken on my mug.

  10. Thank you for posting this! I had tried it with a regular sharpie & was really disappointed with how it turned out- it washed right off. I will have to try your way :) Can't wait- thank you!!

    1. You're very welcome! Please post a picture and let me know how it turns out! I've done a few of them now and they get better every time :-)

  11. We are planning to do these with our girl scout troop and when doing a test run the colors came out different after baking, did you notice a change in your colors?
